Created by Sam 7 years ago

What can one say about a man like Michael....?

Known to those who knew him well as Mouse he was the kindest, gragerious man I have
had the pleasure to know. The first thing I noticed about Michael was how incredibly
beautiful he was. When people say that the eyes are the windows of the soul, this is very
true of Michael. He could seduce you with a flick of his eyelash, whether man or woman, and
make you feel incredibly special.

Mouse taught me a lot about myself. He taught me that being me, was not a bad thing, in fact
that I should be proud of who I am. He didnt know this but he also helped me discover the
fact that although I have a disability, I can succeed at anything I put my heart and soul into.
I hope that he would be proud that in June I will be performing at the same place as Victoria

I have some beautiful memories of Mouse. I remember things like sitting with him and getting
more and more drunk, and declaring to each other, that if we got to fifty, and were not married
that we would marry each other! When I gently reminded him he was gay, he would say with
flick of his locks 'oh darling lets not think of that and just do it!'

One of my favourite memories of Mouse was when I had to produce a project for my media
O level. I had to pick a person in the music business, who we admired us the most. I pithcked
Marc Bolan. I remember I wanted to go to Barnes though he could not go with us that day, he still
wanted to help. So, I came up with an idea to take some black and white shots of someone
looking like Bolan as a young man.

Michael was incredible! He stood in this lake for goodness knows how long, he was so tolerant as
I made him stand in all kinds of poses, unfortunately when I moved the pictures were lost...He
was so photogenic! He had the most amazing eyelashes, they reminded me of a giraffe which is
to this day one of my favourite animals. As soon as Michael walked into a room, you felt his
presence even before he had said anything. If he was in a really good mood he was like a
firework going off in the room, he lit the room up immediately! When he was in a silly mood
you knew it! One of the most fondest memories I have of him, is him running up and down
Ellie's garden (if I remember rightly) under a duvet (Or pupy as we called them) shouting 'I AM

He was the most tolerant man. I mean yeah he could be very hot headed too but we never rowed
with me. He always treated me with total love and respect, and in a way, made me the woman I
am today! I miss him so much but will always treasure this beautiful man.....beautiful boy
beautiful days

Sam Phillips (A.K.A Scarlett Pasquall)